Monday, February 1, 2010

I didn't time myself today. I took my camera instead. I thought I'd have a little bit of fun.

First fun-ness: I have been riding this new route 4 or 5 times now. As some of you know I have an obsession with hearts of 'nature'. As I ride up Maple, I have noticed what seems to be a heart, thus, I have brought my camera, just in case it's something I think is 'wall' worthy.
Here it is:

But upon closer inspection; I could not call it 'wall-worthy'.

Here is what the canal looked like this morning. Blinding:

Two mud-bogs still present after a weekago's rain.
This is what I would have fallen into had the 2-old women (previous blog) not shared the pavement with me and my bike. You can't really tell, but it drops down quite a bit.

Also, I took a few pictures of people along the way: #1 Jogger. Glad I'm not doing that.

Here he is dangerously crossing Broadway.
My competition.

Wait a minute, THIS was my competition. Hmm.......You can't really tell, but she's fast. Super fast. Super duper fast. Sonic boom fast. Bullet fast. Blink of an eye fast. Hummingbird wing flap fast. Okay, maybe not. But I was exhausted by this point and she seemed fast.
Maybe tomorrow I can give her more competition.

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