Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I left my home before the sun fully came up today so I didn't bring my camera. I did however pass 9 people and 3 dogs. Crazy busy. I'm not sure I like it so busy. I can't sing my loudest: I can't weave back and forth on the canal path: I kinda have to follow the 'rules of the road'. Which brings me to one of my funnier thoughts. Whenever we all go to a grocery store, why is it that we 'drive' (push) our grocery carts on the right side of the aisles? Is it a known rule that we must follow? Did our highschools have a 'supermarket' etiquette class that I missed? And has anyone been 'parked' on the wrong side of the aisle to get something off of the shelves and you almost feel like you have to go 'out of your way' to go around them: ( a 2 to 3 foot arc). I literally have laughed out loud at a store when I notice peoples reactions of having to go around someone on their side of the 'road'. It makes shopping fun for me.

As some of you know, I save hearts. My darling DIL (daughter-in-law) had read my blog and must have felt bad for me that my sidewalk heart had not lived up to my expectations.

She was making deviled eggs and wa-la!

It is great and WALL-WORTHY!

Thanks, Celynda your the best!

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