Thursday, July 29, 2010

Two full days of monsoon activity! I love it! I remember as a young girl living on 36th Drive in Phoenix, that we could see this huge dust cloud rolling our way and knowing that that usually meant a monsoon storm would soon hit our home, but I don't see that any more. I don't know if that is because there are so many subdivisions built out east or whatever, but I miss them. It looked something like this. But we could see it coming for miles.

I can't believe it but my laundry is done. I can tell that my family is shrinking and that those who are here, seem to do batches on their own. It's nice. I remember having to do at least 2-3 batches EACH DAY for me to stay on top of things.
Also, this summer the kids haven't been swimming as much as usual so there are less towels to wash. They say the pool water is warm and it's not even refreshing.
What have I been up to? Not much. Trying to keep my foot up as much as possible. Letting it heal. The kids school starts in 2 weeks and I know things will start being busy again. Then my foot will be hitting the ground hard. I'm thinking of taking some classes when they are back in school. I'd like to hear from you all about that.......have any of you taken online courses? Do you recommend them? Or is in classroom classes better? I'm nervous about on campus because of my age. I'd be the oldest in all of them I'm sure of that. I guess I'm scared! So, that's why I'm thinking online is my better choice.


Shirl and Bill said...


Shirl and Bill said...


Carrie Selin said...

I don't know about online classes. But I've been at GCC and PC in my older years. I completed a 2 year program in Sign Language a few years ago. I still go to GCC for exercises at the fitness center. I used to worry about being older than most of the crowd but it doesn't bother me at all now.

Take care of the ankle! Too bad you didn't hurt it doing something fun and exciting - but putting up an awning - not so fun.

Carrie Selin said...

Plus we haven't had too much monsoon action out where we live. Maybe a sprinkle or two - we are jealous and can't wait for our share. Right now things look pretty good for a storm.