Friday, July 16, 2010

Fri/Sat in Mexico

So to finish Friday night.....Brian took me back to the RV around 10:15pm thinking that, by his last text, Doug would get there a little after 11pm. Jason and Katie decided to stay and sleep with the others. I wait and wait. I'm getting a little scared by myself. We have this sheet that we hang down between the front cab of the RV and the back part so we feel that we have some privacy and all I'm doing is peeking out this small peep-hole that I had made. I'm also watching 'The Terminal' and by the time that is over, I know Doug is super late. I tried to call his phone and it went directly to his answer machine. Now, Gayle and Ed Whetten (Doug's sister and bro-in-law, who live down in the colonies in Mexico), have told us that it is perfectly safe if you follow certain rules: Don't be out alone & Don't be out after dark & Don't go where you don't belong. Oops, he's alone and in the dark. So I'm getting slightly worried that after Doug had crossed the border someone had seen him alone in a nice truck and decided that they wanted that truck and everything inside of it. I try to call Brian to see if he'd heard from Dad and his too went to his auto answer. (The service down there is unreliable). I start another show, a comedy this time, to try and ease my un-ease, but I really was getting nervous. Finally around 12:20 I see his truck pull. The story goes: He gets all the way into Rocky Point okay, but can't find the right road to turn down and ends up downtown on these sandy roads. People out and about walking in the streets, drinking, dancing, singing, etc., and as he is in this line of cars he tries to go around them and he gets stuck in the sand. He tries and tries to get out, but each time he feels he can almost do it, someone is in front of his truck and so he can't 'gun' it to get out. I guy comes to help him and gets the people to stop going in front of his truck and he finally gets out. I'm glad he's here.
I tell him about the propane and all he does is push the button Katie had asked about and ta-da there is gas. I'm a bit leary of our neighbor now.
We drive over to the condo early in the morning and Luke is the only one up but he can't open the door for us, so he has to find someone to wake and I think it was Jason that was closest to the door. Sorry Jas. All day we just play on the beach and in the ocean. Oh, this year there were several jelly fish that were washed up and so Brian taught Lukas that if he saw one he had to draw a big circle around it and stay way far away. It was the 'Man-of-War' ones that are really bad.

Hey Jonathan and Jill, I'm reminded of surfing right now.
We set off fireworks later that night right in front of the RV park on the beach. Totally legal there. The little kids, by little I mean: Brian, Jason, Allan, Katie, Shannon and Doug, all loved them. Lukas, Brook and I could have done without. I don't know where Celynda fits in on them. I think she is a fence-sitter. Here are more phone pictures for you all.

Brook singing 'Bumble Bee' song.

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