Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I am out of vacation things. Bummer. I know you all were riveted to my stories. Sadly now, I have to return to my everyday events and although I know you LOVE everything I write, I might not have as many pictures and videos to share. On Saturday, Doug and I cleaned the garage with some help from Allan, a little from Katie and even a littler-bit from Shannon. Yeah, I know that's not a dictionary word, but it is a DeWitt word. Shannon has a dear friend whom we love named Christal. I think I mentioned this before, but she has stayed with us straight for a whopping 5 days! This was in the past month or so. She has now been with us 4 days (this is why Shan didn't do too much in the garage) and I think she is heading for a new record. Yes, she did have to leave once for a orthodontist appointment or two (but Shannon went with her) and then we had a birthday party for Griffin on Monday that she did not come to - however her house is 5 house away from Carolyn's new home and so she was near-by. We will see how long she, we, us, them, anyone, will be able to withstand these living conditions. Maybe she'll just have to move in before the school year begins. Oh, wait, she already kinda lives here.

Monday or Tuesday my mom and I went to Costco for a new phone for her. She was unhappy with her old plan and company so she switched to Verizon and joined our happy little family plan. Now she can text all she wants. Right mom? Remember, practice makes perfect. We would love to receive a Billie picture any time. While we were there I got talked into an upgrade. I'll say that I was NOT really wanting to do this because I was used to my relic phone, but when he couldn't charge it because they no longer carried anything that even was usable on mine I had to resign to giving it up. But after playing with it for a while and having a text-a-thon with my friend Vayla, I am loving the full keyboard thing. The only problem I'm forseeing is that the keyboard is quite small. I will need to have my fingers go on a diet to only hit one key at a time or I could get fake fingernails and have them pretty pointy. We'll have to think about that.

The only thing I can add for pictures is my new phone and then these three hearts:

My ice bag for my ankle leaked.

A slice of tomato in the trash bag.

A heart found in a rock in my daughter and son-in-laws yard.(modeling done by Christal Estes)
I promised Jeff I would give him credit for this one ONLY because he owns the rock yard in which I found the rock. He actually has been featured on my heart wall before - a french fry. But it has been a while so he needed little pat on the back.

1 comment:

Carrie Selin said...

I don't know why - but I tried to comment on this post but it got onto your previous one with the shells. Oops. Well check those comments out.