Thursday, September 9, 2010

Make sure you go and see my last 2 blogs. I added 3 this morning.

Post Labor Day....

We got home around 3pm on Monday. Shannon had volleyball practice from 4 -6pm on this day so we had to leave Henderson early to get back to Mesa in time. Katie was not able to come with us on vacation because of her practices....or maybe she just wanted us gone. bed did feel slept in. But she seemed really happy to have us home.
Later Carolyn and family came over and brought ribs to barbecue! Yummy!
No, that's not a beauty mark on's part of her rib'ness'.
We had a little dance partyand then we all went swimming. I can not tell you how badly I wanted to have my camera at the pool. My girls were doing this synchronized swim, dance, follow the leader type thing and it was hilarious. What made it even more funny was that Allan would jump in from time to time and do his take on the girls moves. A slightly more manly type of move, but he tried whatever they threw at him....Step-Pop, Step-Pop-Pop....I think you all get that move. If not check Carolyn's blog. We were really missing Jill here.

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