Thursday, July 7, 2011

a day (okay more like an hour) at the beach

It's 5am. I can't sleep. I know why, but there is not much I can do at 4:30 am. Costco is not open.....WalMart is, but I'm not wanting to get dressed and go down there. We will do family prayer and reading at 6:30am - Doug and Kevin off to work......Shannon off to summer school at Mesa High at 7:15 (3.43 miles one way).......Allan off to school at Westwood High at 7am (8.68 miles - one way). So the day will begin soon enough - but I found a few pictures of our sweet baby Vin and his first visit to the ocean. Thanks Jonathan and Jill for letting us crash in on Vin's first time!

1 comment:

Shirl and Bill said...

Wow, that's what I call initiation.........cute