Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Please read the previous blog before you continue here.......

I looked over my last blog and was a bit embarrassed that I said it took 4 minutes to get around the block riding and running, but there is an explanation. My tire was flat as previously stated and Allan ran about an 1/6 of the block and then said he wanted to quit and walk. Okay, now I feel better. Ta-ta for now! Oh, also, I was reading my sister Carries blog and she talked about her square-foot gardening. I made a comment and then for security reasons, we all get this, a box pops up for us to type in a 'word verification' and my word (if you can call them that) (more like mixed up letter words) was meweedn. Yep, a blog about gardening and my 'word' is me weeding. I'm sure she'll be doing that part of the gardening soon!
Here it is... I sometimes wonder how the word (letters) are chosen, now I think there must be some funny little man or woman in the world job force of blog word verificationizers who make up these things to be funny. This isn't the first word that I thought was fitting and funny - but I've just never blogged about it before.

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