Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bottle warmers

Awhile ago - I think it was in last years Christmas magazines that I am still trying to get through - I saw these cute bottle warmers. They were made with sleeves from old, stained, too small, just plain ugly thrift store sweaters. As you know, on Thursdays here at Goodwill, they have $1 day. Pink tags this week. And there were LOTS of pink tagged sweaters. I was looking for texture in my sleeves and found 4 good ones. So, for fifty cents a sleeve + extra craft stuff that I already had, we have these:

I guess I need to add in the cost of the sparkling cider - $7 for 4 bottles at Costco. The total cost $1.75+.50+.25(extras) = $2.50, a gift for friends/neighbors. I love them and I still have two more sweaters to chop up. This time I think I will buy the Welch's grape juice that comes in a bottle like these. They are a little more expensive but kids will like them better. Have a good day!


The Gardner Gang said...

So-ho-ho cute!!

Shirl and Bill said...

WOW! what a great idea.
Looks pretty professional to me...

Stacey said...

LOVE THOSE! You are so creative!