Wednesday, September 28, 2011

poor, poor, Driscolls

Today I thought I would also share a lovely gift we found in our outside refrigerator. Driscolls. At first it looked as though they were frozen together, but after opening the carton we realized, nope, just molded together. I left them out on my counter for several hours thinking that they would somehow start to 'demold' themselves, one from another, but no, they held on all day long. So now they sit together in my trash bag, in my trash container, out on the curb by the road. Their day will be full of stops, bumps, squishes and eventually a dump. Maybe the birds that scour the dump site will find them and pick them apart, but I doubt even the birds will know what to do with you, our poor Driscolls. Have a good long life my Driscoll friends. Until I buy some of your cousins - Auf Wiedersehn.......

1 comment:

The Gardner Gang said...

That is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in a long time!... And I just cleaned up poopy underwear a few days ago so that's really saying something.