Saturday, March 31, 2012

The calming of April...we hope

The play is officially over. The costumes have all been check in. The set is all taken down. The props have been put in the portable room #510. I will have to say it was quite the experience and both Shannon and Allan have expressed the desire to try-out and perform in the next years play. Yikes.
Although I love taking pictures, the play is not one that I had alot of time to focus on. (no pun intended). I am sure there are many sites to find pictures from. I won't bother you with them.

However, I will show you a few events that we have snuck in before, during and around the play. Dress like your favorite animal day. Scary Sheepdog? Shannon wore a giraffe print coat, so I didn't get that picture...maybe you can just imagine it.

Mesa High also held the Mr. Mesa. First year they have ever done it, so we weren't quite sure what to expect. But each boy had to have an Evening Gown, a Swimsuit and then a talent, just in case they made it that far. Allan did make it to through the talent compition and then failed in the next part, which was styling a girls hair and adding makeup to her face. He then was cut. I think his offical placement was #5.

His talent was the Napoleon Dynamite dance - found here: (he is not the one dancing hehe)

He was spectacular. We were so proud. (teardrop).

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